If you’re not paying attention to this…

I used to think that achieving your “ideal body” (size, composition or weight) was all about diet and exercise. 💭 

If I could just control what I put in my mouth and get my arse off the couch, I’d be good.

Then, as I dove waaaay deeper down the rabbit hole of human biology/physiology, I learned about all the influences our cells, biochemical pathways, the microbiome, gene expression, etc… has on our body systems and how it all works together in response to our daily “inputs” and “outputs” (i.e., food, toxins, energy expenditure, metabolic rate, systems function, etc…).

It’s like this beautiful synergy – a miraculous dance – how everything works together and how that then translates into our physical state (aka: how we look and feel and our overall state of health).


And this is a BIG BUTTTT…

What I didn’t realize until much later is how much our ENERGY (our frequency and vibration) influences what our body does (even overriding diet and exercise to some extent).

Take a look at the science.

In 2005, Dr. Masaru Emoto published his book, The Hidden Messages in Water.  This was a compilation of his research using samples of water and the power of belief, intention, thoughts and words.

You can see the samples that were given love and gratitude create beautiful geometric patterns. While the samples that were criticized and ‘fed’ negative intentions, developed distortions…they look sick.

Knowing that you are made up of about 37 TRILLION cells and that about 60% of YOU is made of water; can you see from the above illustration how much your energetic state of being – your beliefs, thoughts, words and intention has on your entire body?
How many times do you look at yourself with disgust (criticism, shame or despair)?

How many times do you berate yourself for doing something wrong? or for eating the wrong thing? for overindulging? for for being lazy/not working out?

How many times do you embark on healthy diet or lifestyle changes and then hyper-analyze and scrutinize how you’re doing – either by:
obsessively tracking
restricting foodforcing your body to ‘push’ through
ignoring your body
damning the scale every-time it’s not giving you the numbers you expect
hating what you see in the mirror

Everything in this universe holds a frequency.

Rocks, plants, animals, you and me – and every cell in our body.Our food – even fake, processed ‘food’ – carries a frequency. The power of your intention is by far the most influential in terms of how your body responds, so PLEASE make aligned intention your first priority.

I know from years of eating “perfectly” – obsessively so – and working out diligently and doing ‘all the things’ right, I still struggled with symptoms, low mood and energy, hormone imbalances and “weight loss resistance”.

It wasn’t until I mastered my MIND – my beliefs, my stories, my inner (and outer) dialog and moved into ALIGNED intention that I started to created more beauty and balance in my body and life – just like those beautiful water crystals in Dr. Emoto’s experiments.

And that, my dear, is the secret that’s keeping me aging well, healthy, happy and balanced at the ripe, young age of 53. You can do this too. 

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