
Low Energy? Consider these 3 things…

When clients present with symptoms of fatigue, my mind immediately goes to three areas:  Diet, Lifestyle and some sort of Functional Imbalance – meaning some system or systems in the body aren’t working right. Within each category there are a myriad of potential factors that can contribute to all sorts of energy drain root causes.

Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, I’d consider diet and lifestyle the low hanging fruit to explore and rule out before going deeper into functional testing in the other areas (which take time and money to work through)…Still, it’s important to look at things holistically because oftentimes all of the imbalances intertwine and build off each other over time before we really start to feel it in our bodies.

  1. DIET – Refined, processed, high carbohydrate foods do a number on our energy stores.  The ups and downs of blood sugar, the glycation effects and free radical damage these and other chemically laden substances can have on our bodies eventually slow down the production of ATP on the cellular level. ATP is the energy currency of the trillions of cells that run the body. In addition to avoiding refined foods and excess carbohydrates, the cells also require nutrients including: all the B vitamins, lipoic acid, fatty acids, amino acids and minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, etc.. The best way to ensure you’re getting enough (beyond supplementation) is a nutrient dense and diverse diet – heavy on plants (i.e., non-starchy veggies), high quality protein and good fats along with moderate amounts of nuts, seeds, fruits – and beans and grains (if tolerated).  A side note, the cells also require oxygen and hydration to run properly so be sure you are breathing deeply, moving and drinking enough water to keep cells and systems moving and fluid throughout the day.  I like to use the analogy of a stagnant pond – it gets all gunked up, infested and doesn’t flow when there’s not enough water, oxygen and movement to allow it to flow.
  2. LIFESTYLE – Sleep is a biggie on the energy front – obviously – , but our culture has morphed into this “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” mentality over the years along with a real addiction and glorification of being really busy.   Many of us also have an addiction to numbing out with electronics (TV, phone, video games/apps) and alcohol which also can interfere with getting restorative sleep. So if you’re low on energy, make sure you’re actually getting enough quality sleep and practice good sleep hygiene (Google for tips).  For many, stress prevents sleep as well. Working on stress management techniques such as journaling, meditation/prayer, talking to a friend or therapist, body work and – my favorite – exercise (but not too much!) – can make a huge difference in how we process our stress.   Stress happens – it’s unavoidable and not something we have total control over – but how we perceive and process stress IS completely in our control and it’s OUR 100% responsibility to work on boundaries, how we let stress in and how we manage and “Let Go” of what we have to let in.
  3. FUNCTIONAL CAUSES – This is the science stuff and usually requires a functional medicine/integrative practitioner to explore properly.  Since I specialize in Hashimoto’s, Adrenal and other hormonal imbalances, I’d want to ensure that thyroid levels and all the nutrients required for proper thyroid function are optimal (Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Vit D, etc..).  With a salivary hormone panel we can look at cortisol rhythms as well as all the sex hormones to be sure the adrenals and ovaries are also in balance.  We also want to make sure iron (Ferritin) is adequate as well as B12 (MMA) to rule out anemias which often lead to exhaustion.  If  symptoms or lifestyle factors (alcohol, toxin exposure) point to liver sluggishness, a detox or PaleoCleanse can really do wonders to reset the body (PLUS it’ll help you lose a few pounds and clean up some poor diet and lifestyle habits –  all at the same time!). And if digestive symptoms present with the fatigue (bloating, gas, loose stools or constipation), it’s important to test for gut imbalances, food sensitivities and malabsorption as well – these will definitely impact energy levels, mood and brain function overall. Finally, consider the infection connection as a potential root cause – Immune system dysfunction caused by Lyme, Epstein-Barr or various other co-infections, environmental exposures or triggers can wreak havoc on any and all of the body’s systems.

So if you or someone in your life suffers from fatigue, pass this page along and let me know if you/they make any shifts and  – if so, tell me how it’s helped. I have first hand experience with myself and in working with clients who’ve had dramatic improvement in energy just by addressing diet and lifestyle, so start there if you want to DIY your fatigue. Otherwise, please reach out if you need help or guidance. Take advantage of the free 15 minute Nutrition Clarity session to start to troubleshoot. I’m always happy to point people in the right direction. 🙂




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