
Why You’re Not Being Consistent…

Does this pattern sound familiar to you?

✅Monday: Ate perfectly, drank enough water, exercised.

✅Tuesday: Ate perfectly, drank enough water, exercised.

✅Wednesday: Ate perfectly, drank enough water, exercised.

🤷🏻‍♀️ Thursday: Ate pretty well (maybe hit the candy jar, vending machine, pantry or drive through – or needed a little something🍨 🍿🍷 after dinner), didn’t get the water in, didn’t have time to exercise.

🤦🏻‍♀️ Friday – Sunday: F*%$#  IT! (I need a break.  I’m having too much fun.  I can’t deal with this. It’s too hard. I deserve a treat. It doesn’t matter. This isn’t working anyway…I’ll start again Monday, etc…)

This scenario may not track exactly the same for you.  It’s just a common example I’ve lived through and worked with quite a bit.  The details will vary depending on your circumstances, unique patterns and state of mind.

For example…

 > Maybe you were “on track” in January or you did a Whole30 or 75Hard…and then in February (or when the “challenge was over”) you decided to presse the “F-it” button or you started to get a little more “loosey-goosey”.

> Or maybe you find that your eating is “dialed in” for breakfast and lunch but the “F-it” button goes off in the evening/after work. 

> Or maybe you ‘think’ you’re eating in balance, but you’re actually overdoing portions or grab-assing or otherwise mindlessly overeating/drinking.

> Or maybe you’re usually structured and disciplined, but circumstances in life become challenging (or more social) and you start to veer “off-plan” and can’t seem to “reign it in” anymore.

The specifics of the pattern don’t really matter.  

What matters is this: 

Are you happy with the results you’re creating?

If the answer is no, your next thought might be a longing to possess any or all of the following special forces to get things back on track (and stay there):

  • Structure
  • Discipline
  • Motivation
  • Consistency

But what actually DRIVES the implementation of these special forces? 

It’s not magic or a fancy external system.

Implementation can only come from within YOU…through you…from deep inside.

YOU have to DECIDE from the innermost part of your being to:

a) clearly want what you want with no conflicting doubts or fears hiding in your psyche.

b) believe you deserve it and that it’s possible for you.

Whether the goal or desire is to lose weight, build muscle, get your eating or drinking in balance, to feel more confident in your skin, heal a condition, age well, look better/feel better, whatever….

Once you DECIDE whatever it is you want AND you KNOW that it’s possible for you to achieve it, here are some ancillary “mindset” qualities or aspects that will be required to create and sustain the discipline and consistency needed to get there (especially when the road gets long, bumpy or boring  – and it will):

  • Patience
  • Curiosity (vs. Judgement)
  • Trust
  • Determination/Resilience
  • Focused Flexibility (vs. Rigidity or all-or-nothing perfectionism)
  • Continuous self awareness/self regulation (of nervous system, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, consciousness and actions)
  • Self love/acceptance (no matter what)

I know…this is a heck of a list…which is why my work focuses mainly on these powerful aspects that comprise the “empowered mindset”. 

Which simply means that you take full responsibility for each and every personal choice you make with the intention of growth, compassion and understanding yourself along the way – especially when you “f-up” (which you totally will once in a while). 

It’s not easy to develop these higher level skills. They need to be APPLIED and put into DAILY PRACTICE in order for you to override your natural, human/primal tendencies.

Remember, as a human, you’re wired for negativity as a means of survival.  You’re built to spot and avoid any and all worst case scenarios. Your physiology is designed for self protection.

This means that it naturally feels “safer” for the survival part of your brain to not change (or improve), to avoid pain and discomfort – and to seek pleasure. 

Which is why I do what I do. 

I help clients avert those old survival settings > which leads to familiar sabotaging patterns > so that you can shift into more aligned and empowered choices > that help you reach your desired results.

If you’re ready to take this journey to food and body freedom, now is the time!

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