
Where’s Your Focus?

I work with many weight loss clients. Most of them have been on (and off) diets their whole life (like me) and for some, gaining weight is something new now that they’re getting older.  Although we can learn from our history, it really doesn’t matter, what matters is where you are right now and where you want to be.


Where I find we can get stuck (including myself) is when we put our focus on the problem…the weight or how our clothes don’t fit or how shitty we feel about ourselves for eating or drinking something we shouldn’t or for not working out., yadda yadda…

And we put hardly any focus on what we really want.  I remember when I got my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, how I spent YEARS focusing on the disease and how to figure out how to get better (focusing on the problem and fixing it myself or with doctors) instead of focusing on feeling energetic and well.  This sent me into a cascade of possible root causes, treatments and testing that I could practically drown in, if I didn’t pull my myself out.


Where intention and attention goes, energy flows.


I posted a video in the Nourished Path Private Facebook page to dive into this more, but for readers, here’s the gist:

When you have anything in your life that you want to change:  Weight, health, performance, money, work, relationships, business, etc…Take some quality time to clearly identify what your vision is in that area.

Write it down. This is important as the combination of thought and the neural impact of writing, creates more power, more resonance with the vision.

Find a trusted friend or practitioner/therapist/coach to get very detailed on how you envision that area of life being if there were absolutely no limitations.

Now start focusing on this vision at least daily.  Feel what it feels like to be there already. Get tingly. Get pumped. It should be completely awesome and specific to you or you probably didn’t make it big and individualized enough.

Whenever you catch yourself bringing your focus back to the problem, shift it to your vision. And feel those feelings and follow the inspired actions that nudge you into the direction of that vision.

No, you won’t just lose weight or fix a problem by only thinking about what you want.  But you will shift into actions, ideas, inspiration and resources that will get you there in a more pleasurable, sustainable and aligned way.

Here’s an example…So say the problem is belly pudge.

Your vision might be a toned, defined abdominal area, or maybe even a six pack. Maybe you imagine yourself on the beach, freely running around with no self consciousness or embarrassment. No cover up. Feel how free that feels. Get into that frequency.

If you’re in that amazing feeling space everyday, are you going to feel like skipping the gym or eating donuts?  Probably not. Just the opposite, you will be inspired to learn and act more in the direction of that vision.

On the other hand, if you look down at your current belly pudge.  Grab it, cover it up and hate on it and then remind yourself how you’ve not been successful losing it. You’re reinforcing the problem, that limitation, that negative frequency and low level energy that will send you into self hatred, scattered action, escape, lethargy, hopelessness, and eventually, the donuts.

Sure, some people out of desperation and self hate will white knuckle through a strict weight loss program and temporarily achieve their goal, but eventually, they give up and gain it back, because the restriction did not support enough sustained, right action.  It’s nearly impossible to support negative motivation. It’s exhausting and not fun. It reminds me of when I was younger and had a boss that micromanaged and criticized everything everyone did.  Maybe the work got done, but it sucked the whole time and eventually employees fled to get away from the negativity. It’s not a sustainable or smart approach to anything.

So to make this key visioning exercise easier for you to put into action, I created a worksheet that you can download and fill out.  Use a sheet for every part of your life you’re working on. It doesn’t have to be health related.  You can find it in the files tab in the Private Facebook page.  Feel free to post about it, comment below or PM me if you need accountability and support on your journey.


Until next time,








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