
The Most Important "Reset" You Need to Do After the Holidays

So many clients reach out after the New Year telling me what they’re eliminating- or asking if they should do a cleanse – or extended fast – or cut out more things, etc, etc, etc…

I feel this pull too! It’s such an inherent, well-trodden pattern…


Hey, I’m all about a good reset. I even sell an amazing Detox kit – with daily packets all in a one box – Grass-fed Beef with Collagen and a non-GMO Vegan option too. I do these a few times a year for my liver – and to take a break from alcohol and even sometimes caffeine too.

And/Or I whip up one of my fancy water elixirs, like this one I shared last week.

I’ll sip on these all day to rehydrate as I eat more non-starchy veggies and protein and a limited amount of healthy fats as another way to “reset”.

And/Or I may tighten up my fasting window – or even work in a few “OMAD” (one meal a day) fasting days… Never forced or stressful, just if it feels good.

I even shared in the Holiday Mastery Private Facebook Group how, in addition to following my real food framework (which I teach in the workshop), I will strategically plan to eliminate dairy (cheese), carb-y foods (gluten free foods especially) and of course, alcohol – on non-social gathering days – both during – and after the holidays (because let’s face it, even as a full blown introvert, I’m still socializing every month of the year – which almost always involves wine and probably cheese!)

But the MOST POWERFUL way to reset has nothing to do with any of these tactics….

The most powerful reset happens between your ears….it’s what you do with your MIND…

Because you already know WHAT to do, right?

You already know what and how much you should be eating and drinking – and you also know all too well when you’re eating or drinking too much – or when certain foods/drinks are not feeling right in your body…

You already know how great it feels to move everyday …not too much – not too little…just right for your body….

You already know how Ah-MAZING it is to get a great night’s sleep.

You ALREADY KNOW all you need to know to be balanced, optimal and to feel and look your very best….(and if you’re still not sure, then reach out…I can help you!)

So here’s the truth:

If you’re struggling with your your eating/drinking patterns and/or your weight or symptoms, what you’re NOT getting right is your MIND.

Because THAT is what drives you TO or TO NOT do the things that feel best in your body….

So, my friend, that’s what you need to RESET in this new year (or whenever you’re reading this..

That is your work! My weekly emails will be sharing some of the deeper insights and my personal/client stories/observations, so make sure you’re subscribed.

Stay tuned…much more to come next week and in the week’s ahead.

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