
The Low Down on Slowing Down



Put the burger (or insert food or drink here__________) and read this with your full attention because what I’m about to tell you could change your life.


Especially if you’re a fast, distracted eater (like I tend to be – but I’m working on it! Which is why I write about it, because we teach what we need to enforce in ourselves, right?)

What if I were to tell all you multi-tasking speed-eaters that you could lose weight, reduce cravings,  prevent digestive issues and even reduce inflammatory diseases just by eating slowly and mindfully?

Don’t believe me?

Well, it’s scientifically proven. Human physiology and a multitude of studies show that eating in a relaxed, calm (“parasympathetic”) state allows the body to digest and assimilate nutrients optimally.  But when you’re stressed, rushed and not focusing on your food completely, all bets are off.

Why? Because digestion starts in the brain.  And this is why:
HOW we eat is as important as WHAT we eat.Tweet: HOW you eat is as important as WHAT you eat. @nourishedpath @happyagingyoga<(tweet it!)

Think about what happens when you’re really hungry and watching TV or passing by a restaurant and come across an enticing visual or scent of your favorite food?

Most of us start to salivate and get even hungrier.

Your brain started the signaling. Saliva contains digestive enzymes that breaks down foods (mostly carbohydrates at that stage). And as you start to chew, the food breaks down, you swallow and the pancreas produces more enzymes as the stomach makes acid that is necessary to break down protein (that’s why acid blockers and PPIs like Tums and Prilosec can be so bad long term).  Bile from the gallbladder and liver then work to emulsify fats as more enzymes kick in to process them. Then each part of the digestive tract does it’s thing to makes sure that every nutrient is shuttled, used and absorbed. Finally, whatever’s leftover gets stored (as fat usually) or eliminated in the Loo.

All of these steps require that you be relaxed.  If you’re not – If you’re in a stressed “sympathetic” state (aka fight or flight), the brain signaling diverts energy to the muscles instead of digestion because it thinks that you need to deal with the threat (to run away or attack).

But wait – you’re just sitting there in your Honda or Ergonomic Swivel chair eating away and thinking about a billion other things. To your brain though, it doesn’t matter if there’s no real threat – the threat could be traffic, your laptop, smartphone or that ever present monkey-mind.  Whatever it is, digestion is not happening well and as a result you might end up with reflux, bloating, constipation, loose stools, inflammation and more fat because of it.

So how do we turn this around?

The good news is, the solution that will help you lose weight and feel great is really, really simple and totally free:


You might be like – Duh! – But do you do this consistently?  Probably not. It’s boring to eat and not DO anything or look at something.

So here’s what you do.  Put the phone or paper/magazine/book away. Shut off your computer or TV.  When you’re eating – no matter where you are – even in the car, take 2-3 deep belly breaths before you put anything in your mouth. As you breathe, sink your chest into the abdomen to stimulate the parasympathetic – “REST AND DIGEST” response. You can also say a short prayer/mantra of gratitude –  which is why saying Grace is both a spiritual and healthy traditional practice.

You should start to feel improvement almost immediately if you stick with this practice.  However, sometimes, our physiology gets turned down if it’s not activated in a while (especially if you’ve been popping Tums or PPIs). If you’re digestion doesn’t improve or if you know you’re going to be stressed or running around, a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar before eating or taking Digestive Enzymes can be hugely beneficial (my absolute favorite one above is on sale with a code).

So that’s the low down on slowing down.  What do you think?  Are you a habitually distracted and fast eater? Have you changed your ways? Tell me your challenges and tips to eat slowly.  And please share if you’ve noticed any benefits with this super important lifestyle change. 🙂





Talk about salivating! This recipe is soo easy and delicious.  Feel free to sub with a different cheese or omit cheese entirely if you’re avoiding dairy. You can also try balsamic or fancy vinegars and other greens as well!


  • One watermelon – Chunked
  • 4 oz Feta Cheese – Crumbled or cubed
  • 1/2 – 1 cup mint leaves
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • Drizzle of Olive oil and juice of 1-2 limes

That’s it – just mix it all together in a bowl.  Sometimes I’ll add a bunch of arugula too (to up the greens)!