
Success is NOT Determined by What You Know


I created the image above based on this awesome Neuroscience training I’ve been immersed in lately.

Because I see so many parallels with health “success”, I wanted to translate it specifically to health in order to help you potentially see things through a new lens that is SOOOO much more powerful and impactful than focusing JUST on diet and exercise.

OK Ready?

According to the latest scientific research, it has been shown that what we KNOW (say about nutrition and health) only accounts for about 10% of our results or success.

Makes sense doesn’t it?

Because aren’t we bombarded with information about what to eat and the best fitness and lifestyle approaches to heal or lose weight literally all day, everyday?

My bookshelves alone have dozens and dozens of books (more like hundreds over the years and on my Kindle) on health and nutrition. We can watch Dr. Oz or The Doctors, pick up magazines, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, go to experts, Google…we have no shortage of knowledge.

Yet, still we are sicker and heavier than ever as a nation.

What science reveals is that what REALLY moves the dial when it comes to achieving desired results is an almost equal focus between our MINDSET and our ENVIRONMENT (40% and 50% respectively as illustrated in the diagram above).  Depending on our personality and situation, mindset may become more important than environment and vice versa.

For example, I have clients that really want to change their health – whether it be losing weight or healing a condition. They’re clear on their “WHY”. They envision the body, health and life that they want and they know pretty much exactly what to do, but their environment challenges them so much – say due to work or financial stress, unsupportive family members who bring home pizza and ice cream every other night, or nacho and beer loving happy hour friends – whatever the ‘de-railer’, these environmental influencers seem to always challenge the goal and behavior which results in the client falling off the proverbial wagon, getting stuck and/or giving up.

The environment needs to change.  This might mean, clearing out the house of all junk, preparing healthier foods to have on hand, setting up a shelf in the pantry and fridge for your healthier food, renewing your gym membership OR it may be having a heart to heart conversation with the boss, partner, family members or friends about what your true needs are and coming up with solutions.

Asking these life influencers for their support is something most of us AVOID doing like the plague.  We don’t want to rock the boat or make anyone upset.

Do it anyway.

It’s important to speak your truth and challenge yourself to ask for help or express your needs.  Most people will understand, want to help and will appreciate the honesty.

On the mindset side, there are many people that have the perfect environment for success, but their mindset is not aligned with their goal.  They have the perfectly stocked kitchen, they rid their environment of all the junk food and triggers, they have access and time to move and work out, but there’s a disconnect that holds them back from moving more toward their goals.

This could be due to patterns, emotional blocks, a victim/excuse generating mindset, false beliefs – all of these create those well worn ‘neural-grooves’ I talked about a few posts ago.  The solution to this is to work on creating new grooves – everyday, consistently – this creates new habits and strengthens those anchoring visions and desires for your life so that they pull you more toward what you want and away from what you don’t want.

As I’ve openly shared, this year I worked a LOT on drinking less.  I started posting about in January if you want to go back and follow my journey.  I felt the discontent that this behavior was causing. I had the desire and clear vision for something else for me…Obviously, I had the knowledge to do what I had to do to drink less (duh – drink less!).

My environment was not the greatest because, especially over the summer with many weekends of camping and social gatherings, my old paradigm associated camping and parties with, well, partying :). My mindset held on to this belief that drinking less would be really hard and boring and my friends wouldn’t like me or want to be around me if I wasn’t ‘keeping up’.  In the beginning, I laid low with the parties as much as I could (environment), but I didn’t want to be a hermit or anti-social, so I was pulled to take it a step further….

In my case, I actually hacked my mindset with hypnosis (which I shared a few posts back, but this is not required)…Since I’m a ‘determined’ personality type, my desire to drink less, along with the mindset reprogramming, really set me up for success.

My new pattern (or groove) became more and more established with each camping weekend, each party, I went to.  Every night at bed and when I woke up, I’d notice and acknowledge how great I felt (and looked – ie. less puffy and tired) by NOT having that extra glass of wine (or 3!).

Interestingly, I unconsciously – naturally – started to expand my social circle with more people that drank less and more activities/social situations that didn’t include drinking, which further created a more aligned environment. Now there’s this really nice synergy and flow.  I still have the same friends and do many of the same things, but I also have new friends and activities, and no one in either space really cares if I drink or not.

So I tend to bring you examples of my overcoming overdrinking journey because it’s really recent and it’s a huge testament to the power we have to change ANYTHING in our lives. Please note that my journey and success with drinking less is not a judgement for or against any diet or lifestyle choices anyone else makes.

The point is to share this insight with whatever aspect you may be discontent with in your life. It really applies to any and every area of life: relationships, career, vocation/purpose, creativity, financial goals, performance, anything that effects overall life satisfaction – way beyond only weight and health.

So tell me, comment below or on the Nourished Path Private Facebook Page, where in your life do you experience discontent, and what do you LONG for/DESIRE instead?  Do you know HOW or WHAT TO DO to change this part of your life (doesn’t have to be related to health)? Is anything in your environment or mindset needing to shift in order to better apply what you know consistently so that you can  achieve the changes you long for? Share them in the group or with me privately. I’m honored to be one of the people in your life to support you on your journey.

That’s all for now!


Sending you love,








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