
Stay the Course

We’re half way through January and I know what some of you are thinking:

Is what I’m doing working? This is boring. Is it enough? I should probably be doing more. Maybe if I cut out X or do more Y, I’ll lose faster or get better results quicker (or something to that effect).

Don’t let this chatter fill your head. Just stay the course.

You see, when you start jumping around – overthinking things – you start to feel a bit more insecure, more doubtful, maybe even a bit frantic and desperate – and this messes with your head and kills your momentum.

It’s not only a distraction that steals your focus (aka Shiny Object Syndrome)…worse, this downturned, low level energy attracts exactly what you don’t want.

The energy you bring to ANYTHING in your life creates your experience and results. PERIOD.

Say it’s January 2 and you start the year off with a “clean” eating approach – maybe a Cleanse, a Whole30, no refined carbs or Dry January, Keto – whatever – It literally doesn’t matter.

You’re all gun-ho (or is it “gung”? I never get that right) ready to feel and look your best. You’re energetic feeling state may be: hope, optimism, confidence or excitement and enthusiasm.

But then, a couple of weeks later, the scale hasn’t budged much or there’s a social event – or a stressful day where you’re starving and you don’t want the “compliant” food you packed – or you’re overcome with physiological or habitual cravings, or you overslept and didn’t pack your food – or you didn’t make it to the store, etc….

Whatever the reason/excuse….it doesn’t matter…you just end up making an ‘off plan’ choice or you mindlessly slip up or overeat, over-drink, miss your workouts, whatever….

PAUSE there…..Identify exactly what feeling you are experiencing? Is it positive or negative? (look at the graphic above for help)

You might start thinking to yourself:

“Ugh, I’m so weak. I’m so fat. I hate how I look. I can’t control myself around XYZ. I deserve XYZ. I blew it! I can’t believe I did that.”

OR You may blame others or your circumstances: “My husband or ex! the kids! the dogs! my job! Trump! the weather! my money situation! my past! my hormones! my condition!

OR “this “diet” or workout isn’t working…it’s not for me..There must be something wrong with me or my hormones, or my gut. I need someone to tell me exactly what to eat and when. I need a new plan. Maybe Beach Body or Shakeology or FILL IN UNSUSTAINABLE PROGRAM HERE…” etc, etc, etc…

You get where I’m going with this: The thoughts and feelings are usually negative. Even if you rebelliously told yourself that you “deserved” it, you probably have a nagging, conflicting, negative inner thought underneath your defiant, confident thought that still creates a negative charge.

Now you’ve lowered your vibe. You’re in that lower negative energy feeling place cellularly and spiritually – and that repels whatever it is you originally wanted (goal weight or better health, more money, better job, love of your life, etc.).

In other words, negative thoughts and feelings block the energetic manifestation of the original goal – you are now energetically attracting what you DON’T want. (This is Law of Attraction 101 if you’re familiar with this universal law – it’s as real and uncontrollable as gravity, so trust me on this.)

For the most part men don’t struggle here like women do. I can say that because I’m a woman, married to a man. I SEE this all the time. He just declares he’s losing 10 pounds and it’s gone. Me – not so much!

Men just accept what they do or did not do and get on with life. They may even laugh about it. They don’t create a story about their life or their situation or their personal character…they JUST MOVE FORWARD…

(This is so unfair! On top of men’s innate metabolic advantages, this is probably a big reason why men lose weight faster and go on fewer diets than women do. Just sayin’. Not all men, but the majority.)

Bottom line: Positive feeling vibes are the goal..This doesn’t mean you suppress your negative feelings – you must feel and release those (if you choose to go there), but don’t stay there.

Shift as quickly as possible to the positive side of the feeling chart and you’ll actually FEEL better while you realign with your desire which will then influence your future healthy actions and attract more of what you want.

This will allow you to STAY THE COURSE which is what will eventually get you the results you’re truly seeking – just as long as you’re patient with yourself, stay in your lane, have faith and remain consistent with the process.

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