

How your body can naturally take care of excess loose skin after weight loss (no surgery needed)!

One of the most fascinating aspects of intermittent and prolonged fasting is the physiological process known as autophagy:

I learned of this process from teachers like Dr. Jason Fung, and even more in depth and more recently at a conference from Dr. Fung’s Clinic Director, Megan Ramos and also cardiologist and researcher, Dr. Nadir Ali.

Megan and Dr. Fung run a very successful clinic that specializes in using tools such as fasting and low carb/ketogenic eating approaches to heal serious chronic illnesses such as Type II Diabetes, Obesity and Kidney Disease.

What they noticed over time is that many successful weight loss patients didn’t complain of loose skin or needing surgery after losing over fifty – in some cases – hundreds of pounds!

How could this be?

If you’ve ever watched the Biggest Loser or rapid weight loss shows like that, you may have noticed that reconstructive surgery is a must after all that loose skin is left to just hang there.

But with the fasting and low carb approach, this isn’t so.



Autophagy is a natural process that kicks in after about 18 hours of intermittent fasting and really ramps up with 3 days of fasting. Exercise can also activate autophagy.

(NOTE: Before starting any sort diet or lifestyle changes, consult with your doctor and know that fasting longer than 3 days should be monitored by a professional – especially if there are any underlying health concerns or medications involved in in your care.)

Of course, autophagy goes well beyond aesthetics and loose skin. Even more beneficial is its capacity to clean up damaged cells such as those found in cancer, brain and neurological conditions and many other inflammatory conditions.

Fasting also promotes fat utilization – even after 14 or 16 hours of intermittent fasting – according to research. Think of it as a way to clear out the excess fat and cellular debris that our body accumulates along the way while giving the digestive system a nice rest.

Fasting is nothing new either. It’s actually more “normal” than eating 3 meals (or 5-6 meals a day) like we do in modern culture. Religions and other cultural traditions have fasted for meals, a day- or several days over the centuries – and there’s no doubt that our paleolithic ancestors had to go long bouts without having access to food.

My recommendations when working with clients who are interested in experimenting with fasting is to go slow – know thyself. Especially if you’re dealing with any sort of stress, eating disorder or hormonal imbalances.

Once you get the OK from your doctor, you can step up your fasting game gradually by extending your fasting window by a half-hour or hour increments a few days at a time. And/or maybe close your eating window a little earlier….it all depends on what your body prefers and what fits your social or family eating lifestyle.

There’s no wrong way to approach fasting really as long as you have medical clearance, you aren’t ‘forcing’ it, nor are you triggering any sort of disordered eating around it (i.e., where you binge-eat, or, the opposite, restrict food after breaking your fast).

You should simply eat a balanced, nutrient dense “normal” daily amount to fuel your body optimally (you could eat “Keto” or low/moderate carbs to balance insulin depending on your carb tolerance.)

You’re just shortening your eating “window” from say the standard 12 or 14 hours of eating that most of the population defaults to – to instead 10, 8, 6, 4 hours – what have you…I actually flex my fasting almost every day. Sometimes I fast just 14 hours – sometimes 20 hours (or longer)!

Tell me about your fasting approach – are you fasting curious or eye ball deep into it? Also have you noticed better skin with fasting? Do you have loose skin from weight loss? Share below or in a direct message… I’d love to hear your story! 🙂

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