

I binged on Mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on Easter.


Not really…I actually was a bit surprised because I really don’t like the cloying sweetness of commercial milk chocolate. The mouth feel of it makes me a little sick.

I’m a super dark chocolate girl – like 90% extra dark.  That’s my jam.

But the thing with Reese’s is the salty sweet combination with the peanut butter….They are “Highly Palatable” foods as they say in Nutrition Land.  Plus the cute little mini sized packaging in pastel foil is so darn darling. Who can resist?!

So ya, I probably had a half dozen or more of those mini suckers Sunday night when everyone left.  And because I was so busy preparing for my 30ish Easter guests, I didn’t even work out the whole weekend. (Unless peeling carrots counts as cardio). Ya Nope…Not even a walk. “Too busy.”

Suffice it to say, I barely slept and felt like crap all night (cuz…ya …wine on top of that – of course!). I did absolutely nothing on Monday and so here I am on a Tuesday examining the gifts of all my imperfections and reminding myself that it’s OK – JUST stay the course. You are not a big fat failure..

We’re not always going to be perfect with food, drink, money, exercise, relationships, parenting, work, whatever…Sometimes we’re really going to EFF up and we’re going to want to quit or think that this is our new pattern, but that’s not true and it’s not even the best option.

The best option is almost always to learn what you can from your slip and get back on track – make adjustments if needed.  (Like maybe not buying the candy to begin with! Duh!)

Notice, I didn’t say to overcompensate, make up for lost time (or gained calories) by beating myself up, overexercising and restricting calories to counteract the binge. That doesn’t work.  It just confuses the system.

Here’s what I’m doing – right now – this week – to reset:

  • Rested Monday – slept in, meditated and went for a walk in the evening. I really didn’t feel well. On top of that, I probably got glutened with all the delicious dishes people brought.
  • Started a 2 week PaleoCleanse (as planned).  Since I already planned this for the 2 weeks after Easter, it was perfect, because the shakes taste really good, they’re packets so they’re easy to make and then I ate ‘clean’ left over salads, ham and Easter Eggs for dinner.:)  I didn’t restrict my eating, and what I ate supported me nutritionally and functionally.
  • Did yoga, meditated this morning, then did a scaled Crossfit workout today with a gentle short run after.  I’ll probably walk my dogs this evening too if I feel like it.
  • For the rest of the week on, I’ll simply continue listening to my body in terms of sleep, exercise, stillness and nutrition.

That’s it.

Nothing crazy.

No punishment. Guilt gone.

If anything, I’m giving myself more TLC because that binge had more to do with too much stress than it had to do with “weakness”. I love hosting Easter, but it’s a lot to pull together.  I need to factor in some yoga classes next year to help keep me more balanced through it all.

So tell me how you’re doing.  What are some of your challenges as we get into spring.  Simply reply here or on the Nourished Path FB page. Also, please share this email with anyone who might be beating themselves up in one way or another.  This might provide a bit of encouragement and peace in knowing that they’re not alone. 🙂

Thanks so much for being here.

In love and health,
