“Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life.” You often hear that expression in the self-improvement and healing space (and I’ve said it many many times). And although thoughts are super powerful; I’d often find my clients stuck in these tricky mindset pitfalls of self-blame and frustration when, try as they might, they failed to create (or maintain) the life and results they desired.
Was it because they weren’t diligent enough in controlling and managing their thoughts and actions?
Hmmm…Sorta – but actually no.
It was because they couldn’t sustain the thoughts that were in conflict with their unhealed hidden beliefs and self-protections that contradicted or overrode their desired results.

Whether you’re working on healing, nervous system regulation, changing old- or creating new habits, losing weight, financial freedom, career success, better relationships or any goal at all, you’ll be more likely to succeed long-term when you fully align your consciousness at your core belief level BEFORE attempting mindset or thought work or changing your behaviors (i.e., diet, exercise, supplements, medication, budgeting, etc..).
Why is this so important?
Because invariably, any conflicting beliefs will negate your efforts. You’ll then blame the plan of action or yourself (hello “Self Sabotage”!) and end up eventually giving up or trying again – only to experience similar levels of frustration again and again.
This is what I call “The Reality of Belief” (a nod to one of my all time most influential books by Dr. Bruce Lipton, “The Biology of Belief“). Your BELIEFS actually create your physical reality.
Focusing efforts on the belief level isn’t sexy. It’s usually hard work that doesn’t yield immediate results. Many of our more tricky beliefs are shaped by past generations, childhood experiences, adaptations and traumas – and of course, our cultural and religious programming.
But lingering beliefs and self protective patterns will always rear their heads unless they are seen and understood. From there, the work entails:
- Healing, releasing the old pain and adaptations that created the misaligned beliefs
- Trying-on or creating new beliefs (expect some trial and error here)
- Choosing more aligned thoughts in lockstep with the new beliefs which creates that “Growth mindset” we all strive for
- Practicing shifting into new patterns of action – of doing, responding and creating – that are in full alignment — all the way down to your core beliefs.
Can this be a slog? Yes! But it doesn’t have to be.
Can it be transformational? Of course.
Is this possible for you? YES! You simply have to believe it is which means being open and willing to decide to make it so.
This is the difference I wish to convey. The deeper inner work at the core belief level truly allows for full transformation vs. surface, misaligned, unsustainable attempts at control.
Beliefs eat mindset for lunch.
So start there.