

3 Ways to Let Go of Attachments…

I know I seem to pick on Oprah a lot, but in reality, she’s one of my favorites. She’s truly the most inspiring (still living) modern influences in my life – and has been for (at least) the past 20 years.

Weight Watchers marketing aside, if I could accomplish a pinkie’s-worth of what she has, that’d be really great.

I couldn’t resist zooming in on this commercial which Maya Rudolph spoofs hysterically on SNL:

I’ve been there with certain foods myself: Chips, wine, chocolate, cheese.

And of course, I hear the same love declarations from clients as well.

And it’s serious too:

No…like you don’t understand…I L O O O V V V E ______________________ <insert food or drink here….

I highlight this not to pick on myself or anyone else, because I’m sure this love of food and/or drinks are based on real thoughts and feelings, but in the spirit of self-empowerment, we also have to realize that we are 100% responsible for creating every single thought and feeling we have.

So then the question becomes:

Is this thought or feeling: “I love bread. I love wine. I love chocolate.” serving you?

Meaning, is it moving you forward or holding you back from achieving the results you desire?

Can it exist in your life as a neutral indulgence?

At what dose and frequency does it escape negative consequence or the dreaded ‘slippery slope’?

These are the reflections I offer you as you bump into feelings of ‘LOVE’ or attachment to foods – OR feeling out of control with certain things – OR feeling stuck in reaching your goals.

Play with the concept of either:

  1. Abstaining for a period of time from the food/drink…even activities like TV and shopping, social media. Experiment with giving yourself some healthy separation from the attachments. Then you can slowly reintroduce – perhaps with the next concept in mind.
  2. Fiddle with Dose and Frequency – I’m doing this myself in my programs and with my 1:1 clients..It’s the concept of “Intentional Indulgence”. For me, it’s very mindfully allowing myself to indulge in up to 4 glasses of wine per week with complete pleasure and confidence (no shame or guilt). This is the dose and frequency that helps me continue to slowly lose weight in a balanced way without feeling totally restricted.
  3. Make a Healthy Swap. This may not take care of the emotional attachments, but let’s say you LOVE or feel you HAVE to eat something after dinner..You may be able to swap the popcorn, cookies or ice cream for lower carb/cleaner/alternative treats.

I guess the underlying message here is: TAKE BACK CONTROL. Don’t give something like food, alcohol or mindless activities any POWER over you. These de-railers don’t deserve your “LOVE” – especially if the ‘thing’ is keeping you from the results you want for yourself. LOVE YOUR DESIRED RESULTS MORE. You deserve THAT way more than the treats you think you love.



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