How the ‘🤬 ‘ do I “align my intentions”?

Hey there..

So I heard from a few of you last week.

I shared the Dr. Emoto water experiments which demonstrated the incredible POWER of aligned intention when it comes to the reality you create in your physical experience – including your body – but this extends to ALL aspects of your life too.

I explained how your “aligned intention” is THE MOST critical part of your journey – whether that includes weight loss, healing or manifesting the dream-life you desire.

It’s even more important than diet and exercise which, let’s be honest, is where we all want to place our focus.

The reason why aligned intention is so critical is quite simple. 


Building off of this and your feedback, I realized that you may need some practical steps – specific actions or shifts – that you can take to actually INCORPORATE aligned intention into your daily life so that you achieve what it is you want to achieve.

First let’s break down what ‘aligned intention’ actually is:

ALIGNED means: ‘an arrangement of groups or forces in relation to one another.’

In other words, everything lines up so that things works properly getting you to where you want to go as smoothly as possible.  Like when a car needs an alignment, it drives all wonky and veers off the road, but when it gets an alignment, you’re able to cruise right along.

INTENTION means: ‘the act of directing the mind on a purpose or goal.’

Meaning, you know where you want to go.  Using the driving analogy again, you know you want to get to Mexico, so you head south in that direction, you map out your route and stops, you book your hotel, yadda yadda….You’re not aimlessly heading north toward Canada when you intend to go to South of the Border. 

So aligned intention simply means that:

You know what you want and you arrange your energy (your mind and actions) in that direction in order to achieve and experience ‘it’.

Since I primarily work with women who want to lose weight (without restrictive yo-yo dieting and weight regain), let’s use this as an example of intention (feel free to insert whatever you’re working on).

So you have your intention or goal…Let’s say to lose 10 pounds by summer.

You generally know what has to happen to achieve this goal and you know that you don’t want to regain that 10 lbs back ever again – so you’re making it sustainable. It’s not crazy restrictive and miserable. This is something you can do for life…It’s reasonable and you enjoy it. 

But then life happens – celebrations, social occasions, vacations, stressful life events, triggering conversation, past traumas, boredom, busy schedules, day to day work, family, home, financial demands, global pandemics, alien invasions ðŸ˜‘ …you know…modern life in 2021.

So you still have your intention to lose weight, but then you ALSO have all this other life and emotional stuff too. 

Some of this ‘stuff’ may actually involve lots of pleasurable, highly palatable foods or drinks…

AND/OR you may have old patterns of coping or behavior where you use food or booze to feel better, to relax, let-loose, to fill a hole or to comfort/relieve/numb/mask/mute/avoid feeling altogether.

This is where ALIGNMENT with your goal or intention is so critical.

I actually witnessed misalignment with 3 different clients recently. 

They each have different goals, challenges, patterns and histories and they ALL were judging themselves, ATTACHING to old beliefs about themselves and they were ALL OUT OF ALIGNMENT with what they truly wanted (intended) when we started working together….

  • One was very attached to her identity as someone with eating issues, food addictions and bad habits.
  • One was judging her eating and drinking behaviors on the weekends as “BAD” and was making up for it with more restriction and tight tracking during the week in order to get “back on track”.
  • The other was making excuses and felt stuck. She wasn’t really doing the inner OR outer work. Kinda half-assing it – showing up for our sessions but somehow  disconnecting from her intention or goals – and her results showed.

All were out of alignment even though their weight loss/healing intentions were pretty much the same.

When you’re working toward something like weight loss or healing your relationship with food and your body, you WILL encounter misaligned beliefs and patterns….

After all, what got you HERE (struggling/stuck), won’t get you THERE (free & balanced)…

Changing those beliefs and patterns REQUIRES commitment and some level of discomfort as you shift into this new version of you…You HAVE to let go of who you were before.

When you’re CLEAR on what it is you want and your entire BEING is in alignment with it, you can loosen the ‘old you’ grip and MOVE through that discomfort with more LIFE FORCE within you – which will make the actions you take and your entire process a lot less constricting, daunting and overwhelming.

You feel empowered, open, curious, clear and in control.

When you’re misaligned – you’re playing the victim/blaming- you’re wishy washy – you’re usually focusing outside of yourself – with weak commitment – stuck in old identities, beliefs and patterns. 

Left unchecked, I’m afraid – without aligned intention – you just won’t get to this new version of you. ..Or if you DO manage to get there, it won’t be for long.

SO here are my top 3 suggestions:

1. Get SUPER DUPER clear on what it is you really want and why.  We can all lose 20 pounds in a month with hyper-restrictive dieting – but we also know how that ends up eventually. ðŸ˜–  So I remind clients (and myself) that if they can’t make theit approach something that FEELS good – that they enjoy enough to make it a lifelong lifestyle, well, then it’s a yo-yo diet and it’s not for you. 

2. Focus on the ENERGY you’re bringing to your process – to your eating/drinking, your lifestyle and how you interact with others. EMBODY the person you intend to BE. Make your mindset – your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, patterns – WAY more important than your natural tendency to focus on the food/actions you’ll be taking. We ALL want to zoom in on our “strategy” our meal plan, macros, meal prep, ordering strategies, our allowances and limits, counting, tracking, menus, workouts..and we often ignore the most important piece – your MIND. What you believe and how you think is how you get into alignment – which will more easily allow you to make the choices that will get you to your intended being-ness.

3. Make your physical actions (the food/exercise) a no-brainer – totally doable – pleasant, tasty, somewhat flexible and fluid, but not loosey-goosey. If you do ‘over-do it’ here and there, drop any and all judgement and criticism – all the “all or nothing” “restrict>binge” chitter chatter – and reconnect with 1 and 2 above. Get connected to your mind and body. REFLECT and LEARN what the experience showed you and get back into alignment with your intention as soon as you can. 

You WILL get to your intended destination as long as you stay in alignment – pointed in the direction you deeply desire MORE than the “story”, the immediate gratification, the impulsive desire or the old identify that brought you to where you may be now.

Keep me posted!



P.S. Need help getting your mind into alignment?  Check out my Shift audio series. The first 7 days are FREE or go all-in with a full 21 days of brain changing support.  🧠

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