
How I Doubled My Daily Veggie Intake for Less Than $5 in Under 5 Minutes

Impossible!!! How can this be?

We all need to eat better…even me.  There have been days in the past when I barely got 1 serving of veggies down the hatch – never mind the recommended 9 servings!Or is it 10?…or 8? – I don’t know, they keep changing it. All I know is it used to be really tough to get my leafy greens in.

If you’re like me, not only does it seem impossible from a time and energy standpoint, but it also seems so FREAKIN’ expensive!!! – especially if you want to buy non-GMO and organic. Which for some veggies, you absolutely do.

I’m going to share with you my secret to getting loads of leafy greens in every day for under $5 and in less than 5 minutes (more like 5 seconds).  With this one simple change, I’ve gone from an average of 3 servings of non-starchy veggies per day to 6-9 servings without breaking the bank and without gagging – and YOU can do this too.

OK – Are you ready?  Really, this is so simple. If you’re not doing this already, you’re going to thank me.

Drum roll…..

It’s Frozen Greens!!!!

You might be thinking, “Yeah, so what”? or “Eewww.”

Stay with me, because this is a nutrient and budgetary game changer.

And here’s why:

A 1 lb bag of organic frozen greens is ~$1.99.  That’s 5 servings of the most nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory foods on the planet.


You might be asking “Why frozen? I thought fresh was best?”

Fresh is best if you just pick the greens and consume them in a day or two. Otherwise, every day those fresh greens sit in the produce department at your supermarket or in your fridge, their nutrition dissipates…AND unless you love shopping, washing and chopping fresh greens that go bad in like 2 days, frozen is actual best.

Don’t get me wrong, I also use fresh stuff when I can.  When I remember.  When I have time.  And when they’re not a soggy, rotten mess in my fridge.  This happens occasionally at best. This is why, for all you real people (like me), frozen is the way to go.

Frozen greens are nutritious, easy and you can add them to almost anything and they will work. Here’s how I suggest you use them:

  1. Blending them up in a smoothie, Detox/Cleanse shake or protein shake. Just add a 1/4 of a bag (or more) to the blender. It will change the color of your shake and thicken it a bit, but it won’t change the taste (too much).  I promise!
  2. When making a savory dish, like chili, pasta, egg dishes (including breakfast eggs), dips, stews, stir fry or soup, add the frozen greens to every dish. Seriously. Most frozen greens are chopped so they end up looking like fresh herbs (which you could also add if you have them and they haven’t gone bad – which also happens to me all the time). Again, the frozen greens won’t really change the flavor of your dish, it will add another layer of texture and color which is always nice, and you’ll get loads of nutrient density with this simple, cheap and easy addition.

OK IT’s TIME FOR ACTION: The next time you go to the supermarket, I want you to buy 5 bags (that’s 25 servings) of frozen spinach, kale, collards – whatever –  mix them up since they each have unique nutrient strengths –  as long as it’s a leafy green vegetable, you’re good.

Everyone on the planet needs more leafy greens! (Tweet it)
Once you stock up, start adding them to your smoothies and dishes. I promise, you’ll not only feel and look better, you’ll actually function better. Your cells will thank you. 🙂

Now I’d love to hear what you think:  Have you used this frozen greens “hack”? Will you? If you did, what do you like (or not like) about it?

Please reply here and share your experiences and ideas. I really want to hear from you!!  Also, if you have a loved one or friend that could benefit from having more greens in their diet (that would be pretty much everyone), I would be so happy if you shared this easy solution with them. My mission is to get the world healthier and this is one of the easiest, most practical ways to do it!

I’ll have more easy, budget friendly ideas in future editions, so until then, eat your greens and be well!

Take care,

PS. If you want to bump up your greens even more, here’s another solution:
Paleo Greens Powder. It’s a little pricey, but it contains 30 servings per container and it contains WAY more than greens. It has amazing antioxidants, superfoods and it’s all NON-GMO and non-oxidized.