My approach to any desire or goal you wish to manifest into your physical reality (including your physical body) is always through SELF EMPOWERMENT…. In my humble opinion, that’s the best and, […]
This isn’t really talked about too much in the Functional Medicine-Nutrition space: How the “energy” you hold about your self, your body, your life, can impact when and how your body releases […]
If you deal with hormonal imbalances, thyroid/adrenal issues, gut issues, weak immunity, addictions or emotional eating/drinking, subsequent weight gain or weight loss resistance (even when doing all the healthy things), I can […]
As I held my napping granddaughter on my chest, (exchanging oxytocin aka: the love hormone), I reflected on how precious this relationship and these moments are. I then simultaneously regretted how I […]
I’ll often hear frustrated clients or friends complain that they constantly self-sabotage and can’t seem to stop. They’ve got their plan and they’re on their path to self improvement or dietary change, […]
My Definition of “Over-ing”: verb – the act of overdoing anything – including overeating, over drinking, over spending, over thinking, overanalyzing, over scheduling, over giving, over watching/scrolling/gaming/distracting, etc, etc… I remember going […]
“Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives…” ― Bruce H. Lipton Do you believe that life is hard? That losing weight is hard? That being healthy is hard? That […]