Eating Strategies For Thanksgiving (or any day)

As Thanksgiving approaches, I first want to express my gratitude for all of you subscribing, reading, liking, commenting and sharing! It means EVERYTHING to me and my mission to help improve the world’s relationship to food, ourselves and the planet.

Without you, I guess I’d be journaling here (lol) ..So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

A topic that I see strewn all over the interwebs this time of year is about avoiding overeating during the holidays.

Personally, overeating isn’t my issue — overdrinking wine used to be (not anymore!). So as I reflect on the holiday pitfalls, I guess my challenge might be more about eating things that aren’t as nutrient dense or things that are more blood sugar spiking or ‘inflaming’ than I usually eat.  Also, I find as I get older, I get more and more senstive and less tolerant to all the goodies – and my body feels it more acutely.

I counter that by always offering a couple of my favorite nutrient dense dishes.

This year I’m bringing an apple/walnut mixed green salad with locally sourced greens and goat cheese and homemade Champagne Vinagrette.  I’m also bringing Gluten Free stuffing made with bone broth and  (low carb) almond meal bread and lots of fresh herbs.

At the Thanksgiving Day meal, I allow myself to sample a spoonful of things that really look delicious to me. If they don’t look amazing, they don’t get on my plate.  I also fill my plate the most with non-starchy veggies and about a palm size piece of turkey.

I give thanks (sometimes, I actually say Grace with my family – for some reason, I’m elected and it makes us LOL!). I also take a few deep belly breaths before eating to get into that optimal parasympathetic digestive state.

But a few minutes before all that, I always, always, always, pop 2-3 Digestzymes just to stave off that uncomfortable full feeling and/or to counter inflammation in case I’m exposed to gluten and or dairy either intentionally or by cross contamination:

“Digestzymes™ is comprised of a proprietary blend of digestive enzymes along with betaine HCL to support optimal digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. This product contains the special protease DPP IV (dipeptidyl peptidase IV), which aids in the breakdown of casomorphin (from casein) and gluteomorphin (from gluten). Digestzymes™ also include the enzyme lactase, which helps break down the dairy sugar lactose. The use of Digestzymes™ before meals may be helpful when patients experience gas and bloating after eating, constipation, or a feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food.”

digestzymes-90_1So that’s my appraoch to Turkey Day – what about you?

PS. Please get Digestzymes and all your supplements on my website here and all you lovely readers can enjoy a 10% discount off of all  supplements in my estore as my gift of thanks to you!  Thank you for supporting me (instead of Amazon!) and for Buying Small this season! Use code NP10% at checkout!

Have a mindful and gratitude filled Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season!



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