Can You Be a Mindful Drinker?

We all have something –

I can walk past a dessert table without batting an eye, but sit me in a gathering where everyone’s drinking and I squirm if I’m not partaking.

I drink ‘moderately’ on the weekends. (I used to drink wine most nights with or after dinner as a way to ‘unwind’ – escape, numb out – but my waistline and sleep started to retaliate so I changed my habits.)

Back then, I was in a major career transition.  Leaving my cushy, corporate job was a huge anxidoryety for me.

And once I left, there was even more anxiety because I had all of these decisions, less money, more iffy opportunities and uncertainties that completely overwhelmed me.

Plus grad school.

Plus teenagers.

Plus all these crazy symptoms and diagnosis’ (plural)…

Oh, and I was spiritually going through a MAJOR shift through all of this – It was positive… but it completely rocked my world.

By the way, I am so grateful for all of it. I’m so glad I’ve been growing and evolving cuz’ being stuck is hell.

Anyway, my intent in sharing this part of my journey this year (5+ years since since the major shift) is not for me (or you) to stop drinking.

It’s not to make drinking bad – nor is it to glorify drinking.

It’s to put drinking in its place – as a pleasurable, mindful choice – and to bring complete awareness around it (for me) so that it’s a conscious decision (for true pleasure) – and not a tool to disconnect or ‘not feel’.


I also have clear body composition, health, business and physical performance goals and burning desires, made even more challenging with peri-menopause, autoimmune disease and my genetics – so there’s that too.

^ Alcohol does very little to support these goals. And in mindless excess, it REALLY conflicts with all of them.

My hope – as I continue to share – is that this resonates with you and you make connections in your own life, with your own choices and desires – with complete openness, self love and honesty ?