How your words make a HUGE difference in your mindset and long term results. “I cheated.” “I was BAD this weekend.” “I’m out of control.” When I hear these types of self-characterizations […]
It’s probably due to this…Plus 3 things you can do right now.. You know that overeating makes you overweight and fat, but did you know that stress does too? Think back to […]
Letting Overeating (or Drinking) Be Your Teacher Instead of Your Warden Whether you overeat (or over-drink) at your meals, in between meals, at night, weekends or even if you have a full […]
That have nothing to do with calories and macros. The disturbing effect of Obesogens and your Thrifty Genes and what you can do about it right now. As a nutritionist and also […]
It may surprise you to learn that how you think when it comes to permanent weight loss is as important as what and how much you eat. To master weight loss you […]
Along my personal multi-decade long journey where I was always trying to troubleshoot weight loss (and working with many, many clients on the same), I notice there are a few common threads. […]
3 Ways to Let Go of Attachments… I know I seem to pick on Oprah a lot, but in reality, she’s one of my favorites. She’s truly the most inspiring (still living) […]