Can You Love Your Cellulite?

A few weeks ago I shared my obsession with fascia and the fascia blaster.

I still love all things fascia, and/but an amazing thing has happened.

I’m starting to kinda love my body.

I’m starting to connect more with my body.

I’m even starting to feel more comfortable and confident in my skin.

AND/BUTT (emphasis on BUTT 🙂), I still have cellulite.

But treating my body with this little tool, has opened up something –

fascia obviously…

But something much deeper.

An awareness and appreciation that I didn’t have before.  Not even with yoga.

Instead of looking at my thighs with disdain and hopelessness, I look at them with curiosity and more of an analytical mindset.  “I wonder what my body will release today?”  or “I wonder what in my past could have caused my fascia to create this kind of adhesion pattern?”

Feel the difference?

Instead of “blasting” my cellulite into submission, I treat my body as if I’m my own neutral therapist or body worker. With love, compassion and self healing energy instead of hate, shame and avoidance.

And as God usually works, around the same time I encountered Ashley Black and her work on fascia, I started to take notice of another Ashley …

I’m ‘straight’, but I have a serious girl crush on Ashley Graham.


And it’s not because she’s absolutely GORGEOUS…

It’s because she loves herself – even her cellulite.

She and other brave, confident women are owning and loving what the media would consider “flaws” and it’s starting a shift in me too.

Listen to her TedTalk here and take it in.  It’s good stuff.

So I think it IS possible to love myself more – even my cellulite – even as I work on releasing it.  In fact, I think self love is required to release whatever’s in need of releasing – both internally and in our severely distorted and imbalanced culture.

What about you? Can you love every bit of yourself? Can you stop picking yourself apart and beating yourself up?

Share your thoughts and experiences on the Facebook page or message me privately.  We all need to be brave enough to love deeper.

It starts with completely loving every inch of ourselves.


