What comes up for you when you reflect on the above shifts in perception?
“What do you mean there’s nothing wrong with me!? Are you saying this is all in my head. That I’m not suffering?”
“I MUST be doing something wrong otherwise I’d have better results or I wouldn’t be struggling.”
“I just need to figure it out and find whatever “IT”is and fix it.”
If this is you, I totally get it…because I’ve been there too.
When I was struggling with Hashimoto’s and, later on, with menopause, it definitely felt like something was wrong with me.
…the daily 2pm crash from exhaustion, the weight gain, the achy joints, brain fog, sleep deprivation, hot flashes and my non-existent libido were definitely REAL.
But here’s what I eventually realized after years of perfecting my diet & lifestyle, getting tons of testing, taking loads of supplements and following various protocols...
(I mean…I was so determined to the point that I even got a Master’s Degree in Nutrition in my 40s thinking I could fix myself.)
Some diet and lifestyle changes I made DID work and helped for a time – but not for long – and for sure, not enough…
I finally recognized that what was REALLY going on with me (and I find this with so many clients too) was that I was living my life in disconnection and misalignment.
A lifetime of denying and suppressing my emotions and being dissociated from my body and feelings through various habits and patterns eventually caught up with me by hitting me over the head through my intolerable symptoms DESPITE doing everything right!
You see, when the symptoms started getting worse – especially in mid-life, my focus was on changing what i was eating and “doing”…
…NOT on understanding who I was and what my body and heart actually needed.
Instead, I chose to believe there was something wrong with me…and that I must’ve been doing something wrong.
I put all my focus on seeking more information, more experts, more rules, constantly tweaking and biohacking what I was “doing” to try and fix myself.
But the answers were always waiting here ❤️🩹 right inside of me.
This wasn’t about overhauling my life drastically either…
In my case, I’d already left the job and the corporate rat-race behind.
My marriage and family and relationships were solid. My diet, exercise and lifestyle couldn’t be more “perfect”….
I checked ALL the boxes.
The only piece I missed – the ONLY place I somehow felt was all-set or not part of the equation – was ME > meaning my alignment with who I really was and how I was choosing to BE – how I was showing up and living my life – both on purpose or by default…consciously and unconsciously.
I was trying to heal my uncooperative body on the surface layers with diet and lifestyle because I didn’t know or think to go deeper within.
DUH! So simple! But SOOO not easy…
….because over these past several years, I’ve had to unravel 5 decades of patterning, false beliefs and ego self-protections – plus ALL the layers on top of layers built off of one another – reinforcing the lies and the stronghold that those limitations, habits and protections held over me.
This is why I have so much compassion and knowing when I hear “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” or “What am I doing wrong?” or “Should I cut out X or start doing Y?”
I get it.
You must go deeper within yourself and your life. Your answers are all there inside of you.
This is how I work with clients now.
Both Inner and Outer.
And it IS both for sure – outer (diet etc) matters — but not without the inner.
In fact, for many clients, most often, the outer works itself out with more flow and ease because you UNLEARN and then RELEARN how to listen to your body, how to trust your inner voice and how to discern what’s true and for you and what’s not…
From this centered place, you more easily make the aligned choices with food, with movement, with how you express yourself, with what you take on and what you say no to..This starts to happen very instinctively and naturally with practice.
Below are some simple reframes to remind you to shift out of the disempowered or disconnected “outer” focus > into the empowering inner self- inquiry. (I’ll share on Instagram too for easy reference.)
Please let me know if this makes sense and feels true for you. I’d love to hear what comes up for you after reading this.
P.S. If you’d like to work with me 1:1 either reply back to this email or schedule a free discovery session at the Work With Me tab above.