
“Energetic” Weight Gain/Weight Loss Resistance

This isn’t really talked about too much in the Functional Medicine-Nutrition space:

How the “energy” you hold about your self, your body, your life, can impact when and how your body releases weight, stores weight, functions, heals and/or protects itself.

Instead, MOST of the conversation around weight dysregulation or chronic illness/imbalance centers around the energy from calories, which foods to avoid or to include, macro or micro nutrient balance, meal timing, hydration, toxins, infections, exercise, sleep and other stress reducing lifestyle practices…

All of which are important and valuable, but not at the exclusion of the energy you bring to each and every moment of each and every day.

What do I mean by “energy”?

The standard definition of energy is: “the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.”

Expanding on this definition, I want you to consider how your emotional state – which includes your feelings, your beliefs and perceptions – and how this all directly contributes to the frequency or vibration (aka: energy) that signals and directs each and every cell, organ and system in your intricately connected, divinely designed, body-mind.

Combined with all the external inputs (diet, exercise, etc), your energy creates your results – or what you MANIFEST into your physical and mental experience.

So if you’re struggling with your weight or with gut, hormones, low energy, low mood, low immunity, skin problems, etc…instead of seeking a new diet, protocol or workout…

…start with the energy that you’re bringing to this area of desired change or discontent FIRST.

  • Are you self loathing? or self accepting?
  • Are you comparing yourself with unrealistic standards?
  • Are you judging yourself or beating yourself up?
  • Are you accepting responsibility or looking for an excuse or scapegoat to blame?
  • Are you fearful or trusting about life, foods, yourself and others?
  • Are you allowing emotions to be felt and processed? Or are you suppressing your feelings through avoidance, escape, deflection, projection or distraction?
  • Are you trying to “positive think” your way to self acceptance but bypassing your true feelings? (< I did this! 🙋🏻‍♀️)

If your energy is on the negative end of the energetic spectrum, you simply cannot create positive results long term. Alignment is needed to bring you into flow, peace and ease.

Once you clear some of these subtle (and not so subtle) energetic blocks and align your inner space, you can move more easily into applying any or all of those outer actions (they will naturally align) – ideally without force and restriction -and instead with more self love, acceptance and trust.

Let me know how you do! ✨

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