
Balancing Fats and Carbs

I’ve been on the Low Carb/Keto train for close to 10 years now.

When I was full-on Keto, “carbs” rarely passed my lips, but as I’ve evolved and grown in my desire for cultivating ‘peace and ease’ and ‘flow’ around food and my body…. moderate amounts of carbs have re-entered my repertoire.

I still eat mostly low carb (simply because it works best for my body and preferences)…

…but I won’t pass up a few fries, or a spoonful of rice or beans or a scoop of potatoes, butternut squash soup or a sprinkling of fruit here and there.

That’s the beauty of metabolic flexibility.

Interestingly, as I’ve expanded my views on carbs (and dropped the vilification/dogma around them), I’m also finding that most of my clients are looking for more of a flexible/balanced/moderate approach too…

But because of all the identity and labels our culture has around “dieting”, good foods/bad foods and macros; I more often find them frustrated, confused and struggling with stubborn weight, symptoms, cravings or hormones.

So here’s to making things simple. 🙌

First it’s important to know that EVERYONE is different…💁🏻‍♀️

Different preferences, genetics, food/carb tolerances, goals, lifestyle, etc…

So when I help clients who are stuck & confused about what/how they should eat, I guide them to create their own (sustainable and empowered) way of eating and it HAS TO BE DOABLE (or they just won’t do it)..

1️⃣ Eat (mostly) real food IN BALANCE for your preferences and body.

2️⃣ Each meal starts with a foundation of protein (like I shared in the last post) and non-starchy veggies.
3️⃣ Balance your servings of fats and carbs (starch/fruit) like a see-saw.

If you enjoy and thrive with more carbohydrates, then figure out how many servings work for your body, activity level and goals > and then moderate your fat servings (but have at least a little fat for optimal nutrient absorption).

Love the low-carb/keto lifestyle?

It’s the same thing in reverse: Figure out the servings of fats that work for your body, activity level and goals and then moderate (or skip) the fruit/starch serving.

Want to live in both worlds? Easy – Just be sure to respect the see saw!

If you choose to have a fattier meal, lower the starch or fruit in the meal (or that day). Starchier meal? Lower the fat…

That’s it!

Want my free Meal Building Formula download to use as a cheat sheet? Get it here and let me know your questions – how I can clarify this more and/or help you get unstuck?

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