
Metabolism Insights

That have nothing to do with food…

We humans are complicated.

Not only are we walking-talking physiological miracles, but we also have a complexity inherent in the mind that doesn’t exist in any other living species on this planet.

This can be an amazing, exquisite, beautiful gift for sure!

But this higher reasoning/higher consciousness capability can also get in the way of living a balanced, happy and fulfilling life…especially if we allow what we choose to let-in (our minds) to go unchecked.

Just like food, we “metabolize” what we take-in or consume through our consciousness > which filters through our perceptions and beliefs > which generates thoughts > which create the emotions or sensations/feelings sensed in the physical body.

A cascade of physical and biochemical reactions are activated in response to any dominating thought(s) that may create a sense of, let’s say: uncertainty, overwhelm, concern, confusion, worry, danger, fear (for example).

These common feeling states are often lumped under the umbrella of “STRESS”.

The “stress” responses to negative inputs are exquisitely designed to keep you alive..to protect you from starvation or other physical threats….

But here’s the issue:

If this stress response is chronic – if it’s constantly OVER-activated (either subconsciously or consciously), your metabolism will respond in-kind to “deal with” the perceived threats….

….and this is what can create health imbalances, such as:

  • weight gain/weight loss resistance/insulin resistance/appetite changes
  • premature aging
  • interference with cell turnover or reactivity (skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones)
  • hormonal imbalances
  • digestive/detoxification issues or imbalances
  • autoimmune issues or a weakened immune system
  • brain function/mental health issues/memory deficiencies
  • cardiovascular issues

The list goes on and on….All of the above (obviously) increase your risk for disease.

This recent study zoomed in on stress and it’s impact on obesity (especially around the belly).

“From an evolutionary perspective, it seems reasonable that chronic stressors promote the activation of pro-obesogenic mechanisms that favor the accumulation of central/visceral fat. This is because constant activation of the stress response can be interpreted as living in a constant unsafe situation, for which it is beneficial to store central (easy to use) fat and glycogen in the liver and hence, help supply the brain with energy on short demand.”


So the bottom line is: Even if you’re eating perfectly and are working out diligently, your inner state of being may veer you toward metabolic dysfunction that can easily negate all your healthy efforts.

This was definitely my story when I was dealing with weight loss resistance, insulin resistance, Hashimoto’s and menopause…

…which is why I teach and coach the way that I do.

Getting the diet and lifestyle “right” is the easiest part of the journey (even though the health industry and our culture makes it the main focus)….

When it comes to optimizing your metabolism, the real work is in managing your beautiful mind too.



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