
OK You’re Stuck. Now What?

It doesn’t matter if it’s the scale, your health, your habits, your money, your work, your creativity, your relationships or even your views on life in general…

…if you’re feeling ‘stuck’, there are 2 things you need to know:

#1. Stuck is a pit-stop, not a destination. Don’t set up camp.


#2. The only way ‘out’ of stuckness is moving through it. And the only way through it – is through YOU – it requires your willingness to foster your own personal growth with honesty and commitment.

No’thing’ and no person is going to pull you out of that rut of stagnation and self sabotage.

Getting unstuck starts with YOU (and then the magic and miracles start to kick in).

A metaphor that was taught to me by my coach, is called the “Invisible Bridge”.

The foundational structure and the ‘force’ that gets you across the Invisible Bridge is your clear desire to get from where you are to where you want to be.

This desire embodies who you want to be on all levels. How exactly do you want your life to be? Picture it. Feel it.

The desire to “BE THERE” has to be greater than the comfort of staying where you are – meaning where you are in terms of your habits, your patterns, your stories, your justifications, your logic and your righteousness.

If you’re feeling stuck and miserable with yourself or your progress or your life and you want to get out of it, you MUST stop making excuses.

Forget the phrases: “I don’t know.” or “Must be nice.” or “If only…”

You HAVE TO stop identifying with that stuck state of being. That only solidifies the stuckness…like cement.


Crossing that invisible bridge is scary. It WILL take a LOT of deep work, honesty, patience.

It for sure will create LOADS and LOADS of DIScomfort.

And it requires that you let go of ATTACHMENTS to those habits, beliefs, patterns and stories that you feel ARE YOU

And well, that feels kinda like dying – because this crossing IS a death of some sort…it’s a death of that part of you that’s been clinging on to this old way of thinking and being for so long.

So we often choose (by default) to stay stuck because the alternative – the letting go – seems too hard, painful, daunting – and even impossible.

These are all clever lies your ego throws at you to keep you in it’s grips of false safety, security, familiarity, know-it-all-ness and rightness.

And just to lock it in, this fearful part of you will also convince you further with stories of the past, of not being good enough, blame, hopelessness and victimhood that feed more righteousness, perfectionism, shame and/or guilt…

You may hear internal criticism that makes it seem selfish to want to cross that bridge. And then to top it all off, your ego will layer more fear-based stories that’ll tell you that creating something better for your life won’t work anyway. So why bother?



Anything is possible.

Especially if your stuckness comes from your own personal behaviors and beliefs.

No one but you is putting anything in your mouth or forcing your body to be sedentary or to not rest properly – except for you.

No one but YOU is choosing to believe what you believe.

No life circumstances – personal or global – is forcing you to be stuck either.

You have free will and the choice to work around any internal and external parameters that may arise – especially when it comes to what you choose to eat, drink and how you choose to care for your body.

This is great news because once you take complete responsibility, you realize that you can now choose to not be stuck. YOU get to create the life and body and way of being that you desire in each and every moment.

So now what?


Too many people never make it fully across the Invisible Bridge – or they revert right back into stuck-ness because our societal programming is always seeking external solutions.

For health and weight the focus is on the diet, macros, certain foods, recipes, meal prep, workouts, testing, supplements, protocols, tips, tricks, bio-hacks, etc…


Here’s what I suggest:

  1. Get clear on what it is you desire. What is ‘it’ exactly? Get specific.
  2. Why do you want this? Go deep. Ask WHY and then ask why to that response…Do this at least 5 times.
  3. Who do you need to BE to get there? Again, get really granular here.
  4. How do you need to think about things – life, your process, your progress?
  5. What do you need to let go of (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually)? What stories, habits, thoughts, fears, etc…need to shift?

Once you do the deep work above, you’ll be really ready to focus on the specific external actions (i.e., nutrition, exercise, self-care, sleep, connection, daily routines, spending habits, phone habits, work habits, etc..)

BOTTOM LINE: Don’t be tempted to ONLY look at the external things without doing the inner work.

Trust me on this.

With clarity and commitment, you’ll be looking back at that ol’ stuck side of the bridge – now free – wondering why it took you so dang long to get there.



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