
Removing Your Mask

It’s ironic that we’re dealing with debates about masks here in 2020, when most of us have been wearing masks for most of our lives.

The masks I’m talking about aren’t N95 or custom designer masks….

They’re the masks we wear to hide who we really are…

Masks help us to play the part we “think” we need to play in order to feel worthy, whole and accepted.

They’re the identity or personas we choose to place over our true soul and spirit. Masks have the ability to conceal our pure essence.

I’ve worn my fair share of masks along my journey.

  • The good daughter.
  • The responsible oldest sister.
  • The independent/rebellious teenager.
  • The partying college kid.
  • The eager intern and corporate go-getter.
  • The good wife & homemaker.
  • The busy mom.
  • The person with health issues/weight struggles.
  • The SVP/Manager trying to “do it all” and make everyone happy.
  • The wine loving fun friend.
  • The ‘put-together’ woman.
  • The smart practitioner.
  • The struggling entrepreneur.
  • The teacher and healer.

Each mask I’d put on – especially earlier in my life – felt necessary at the time in order to keep up appearances and to ‘fit-in’ to what I perceived would be safe or ideal….to fulfill what I thought other people expected of me.

But the further my mask strayed away from my true essence, the more it would hide the truth of who I really was…and then other masks or behaviors would be necessary in order to compensate.

Sounds exhausting, right?

It was.

Over these past few years, I’ve been dropping my old fake masks and putting on lighter – more aligned – more transparent/authentic identities that reflect (and don’t hide) the essence of me (as much).

I can tell you that this is where peace and ease resides – in mind, body and soul.

If you recognize some of the masks you’ve been wearing, know that your freedom comes from setting them down so that you can step into who you really are.

Even if you’re mandated (or enjoy) wearing an actual physical mask in public, what’s MOST important is letting your light shine through regardless of how you look – even from 6 feet away.

What the world needs now more than ever is more of YOU…and less of the personas of perfection that the illusory world creates.

❤️ ,

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