

I’m an independent, figure it out, frugal kinda gal.  You might have some of these qualities too.  They’re actually very good qualities in my opinion, because they increase learning, promote self empowerment, resourcefulness and save money too :)!

But when it comes to health or reaching specific goals, there may come a time when you need to bring in more support – beyond what conventional health care offers.

When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and before I even knew what a Naturopath, Functional Medicine Doctor or Nutritionist really did, I realized I was not going to be able to rely on my primary care doctor’s 10 minute visit every year to optimize my health.  In my (then) doctor’s view, I was being treated with medication that I would have to be on for the rest of my life and that was it.  Get a blood test every few months, we’ll up the dose and see you next year.

So I took to the books and the internet (which was just starting way back then – ya I’m that old).  I read all kinds of things about Hashimoto’s – the inside “secrets”, the nutrients involved in thyroid metabolism, the autoimmune connection.  I tinkered and toyed with various approaches I’d read about, but with this DIY approach, I wasn’t really getting any better and I found myself at the mercy of trusting the various authors or bloggers writing about their experiences and knowledge of the disease which had very little to do with me – the focus was on the disease – not me as a person – as is the case with books or any resource speaking to a mass audience. It’s not a bad thing, it just is what it is.

Afterall, you wouldn’t DIY a haircut, surgery or massage – well, I suppose you could, but the results would be marginal at best…so why do we choose to DIY how we eat and supplement to heal or improve our physical health?

Over the years I became exposed to energy healing, natural, integrative and functional medicine approaches and I even got my Master’s Degree in Nutrition. I started to shift from my DIY approach to healing into the assembly of my very own personal health and healing team.

My team is unique to me and it shifts occasionally based upon what I become drawn to or what’s going on in my life.  I have an amazing DO who serves as my Primary Care Physician now and she actually works directly with my equally amazing Naturopathic Doctor – completely collaborative and integrative.  I happen to work in the same clinic as a nutritionist too! Come check us out if you’re local!

My other team is comprised of the gifted Physical Therapists, Crossfit Trainers, Massage Therapist and Acupuncturist – now all housed at another practice (where I also work as a nutritionist!)…see the pattern here? Check them out too!

My Nurse Midwife (who serves as my gynecologist) is another very aligned part of my team. Like all the other practitioners in my scope, she’s a deep listener, very caring and holistic. I’ve also had a therapist, hypnotherapist, yoga teachers, energy healers, and of course, my own inner practices, amazing friends, family, teachers, colleagues and mentors to collaborate with and talk things through.

So many of us ‘go it alone’ and rely on the conventional health care system or mass media to help us get healthy, but unfortunately, our health care system is basically a disease care system and it’s most definitely not personalized.  So I encourage you to assemble your team.

When it comes to food and nutrition, consider me part of your team (if you want to :)).  Our private FB page is a place where you can post questions and get real answers back from me (for free). I always share my journey very openly there too…and although I can’t give you a full work up via FB or email, I can help steer you in the right direction. My approach to nutrition is unique because it truly is all about you and it’s open to all approaches  (no dogma) with a foundation in real science, real food and the mind-body connection to true health.

What I want more than anything is for you to reach your goals and enjoy vibrant health and longevity in a balanced, pleasurable way.  Not by believing something is “wrong with you” and not by eating plain chicken breasts and steamed broccoli and hating every second of your “plan” (unless that’s your thing :)).

No one – not even the most highly trained doctor, fitness or nutrition expert – knows you and your body better than you.  So why do we turn to these sources and follow their “one size fits all” advice?  What works for someone else, may not work for you…and even if it does “work”, is it something that you can stick with for life?

Work 1:1 with me and we’ll discover your very own “food flow” – the eating approach that fits your body, personality, taste buds, schedule, social life, budget, cooking abilities and goals.  Starting with a complete functional assessment, diet analysis and goal setting, you’ll receive customized nutrition and supplement protocols based upon your goals, preferences, personality and level of motivation. We can go as deep as you are willing – to assess and reprogram the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that need to work in balance in order to have lifelong health and vitality.

Discover simple,  practical ways to boost your nutrient intake with real, whole foods, learn how to support optimal digestive health, reduce inflammation and rebalance blood sugar, hormones and weight with nutrition, lifestyle and mindfulness.

For those who are looking for specific support with a health condition, in gut healing, fat loss, hormones or transitioning to a “paleo” or “clean” ketogenic way of eating, I can support you step by step through the process. Contact me for a free 15 minute Nutrition Clarity session to see if we’re a fit and to learn more.


In love and health,



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