
Your Energy Is Precious

A lot of people – people I love –  are experiencing very charged emotions as a result of the US election.

I understand. I get it.

I really admire passion in people  – particularly when it’s fused with empowerment, love and vision – and not with fear.

I have many passions – and politics is definitely not one of them. I believe politics and government are deeply corrupt, the media manipulates what we see and we have no idea what’s really happening on either side. I also don’t believe that government is our true source of power, not by a long shot.

WE are the power and the power starts within ourselves, the ACTIONS we take and our faith in that which can move mountains, paint rainbows in the sky, power endless ocean waves and make babies.

I work very hard on not judging people’s choices – it’s very natural for me – and for most of us – to judge everything – clothing, appearance, food choices, lifestyle, Christmas lights before Thanksgiving 🙂 , and of course politics.

This energy expenditure comes at a cost.

I posted this Venn Diagram on Instagram and Facebook this week:


^ This is why I am not spending my energy on bashing Trump supporters, violent Hillary ragers or begrudged Bernie lament-ors or even those who didn’t bother to vote.

Why?  Because these are things I cannot CONTROL (the right circle of the diagram).  I can’t force anyone to vote my way and believe what I believe – even my daughter and husband. My experiences and my point of view are mine and mine alone. I’ve concluded very easily that it’s a complete waste of my time and energy to get upset about something I can’t control.

Does what happens to people, animals, the country and our world as a result of the election MATTER (the left circle of the diagram)?  Of course it does!

But here’s where people are leaping to judgements and outcomes that NO ONE really knows are true. OMG people are predicting doomsday, government sanctioned rape and genocide.  Enough with the drama, people.  Unless you’re a really good psychic, you DON’T KNOW how this will unfold. Give your amygdala a rest. Everything’s going to be OK.

It kind of reminds me of my point of view on food quality.  I teach and post and share and show the importance of food quality and the humane treatment of animals that we eat.  “You are what your meat eats and feels.” I always preach. I used to get very righteous and indignant on this matter.

Do my loved ones still continue to buy $.99 eggs, bacon, chicken and beef that is factory farmed – which translates to legit animal torture, degradation of the planet and inflammatory and disease causing compounds – all justified under the umbrella of “I can’t afford it.”  – meanwhile we all have premium cable, smart phones and eat out/get takeout at least once a week.  It’s your choice.  I stop myself from judging (again, very hard for me). It’s a waste of my energy to get upset about this because I can’t control it.  You don’t have my point of view (yet) and I still love you. Someday you may come around – and many of my loved ones already have shifted their buying choices and that’s great.  It makes me happy for their health, the animals and the planet.

Because this issue matters to me, I will continue to teach and influence my clients and audience as much as I can. Food quality change is one of my main missions in life. This is where I focus my energy…NOT on judging you, rejecting you, blaming you or calling you an ignorant uneducated redneck, or a spoiled, entitled millennial, or a materialistic, self absorbed yuppie, or whatever. You get my point. Love comes first.

So back to the election, I’m choosing to stay open and allowing inspiration and whatever unfolds to move me even further in my mission – maybe in a WAAAY more powerful way than I am now. I actually feel a heightened sense of awareness in me as a result of this election and I think that’s a positive. I refuse to let the media – including the social media – suck me into fear based, negative, divided ways of being that accomplishes nothing but creating more hate and separation.

Does gender and race equality concern me now with Trump in office?  Yes – and I’m really concerned about the environment too. Like I said, I’m more plugged-in to the environmental issues now more than ever.

Other than posting rants on social media, do I have any control over it?

Yes, I most definitely do.

Do you believe you have control over your life and energy? Life either happens by default or by design. You let life happen to you or allow it to move through you. Are you harnessing that power?

If you don’t believe you have control – if you believe the government is more powerful than the collective and your circle of influence, then you’re wasting your energy on outrage and complaining about Trump (or Trump-haters). You’re playing the victim and the blame game.

If you do believe you have the power, then THAT is the center of the diagram – that is the sweet spot where you should be focusing all of your energy.

Will this focused energy and action be as easy as posting rants and sharing proof of the negativity that’s ensuing on social media? Hell no. If this is something that really, truly matters to you, then you need to work within your power to do something about it. Your power is infinite as long as it stays focused – Not wasted on things that include amplified sound bites depicted on the news, on things that aren’t really true, that don’t really matter and that you can’t really control.

Yes – feel the disappointment – vent respectfully – get it out of your system and move on…quickly. It’s a pit if you choose to stay there.

Your energy is precious. Be smart – don’t be distracted by the noise and fear – believe in your power – and be focused in your actions – let your outrage fuel positive ACTION – not blame and judgement.

That is my prayer.

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