
About Me

It’s been a journey…

Having struggled through adolescence and into my 20s with disordered eating, binge drinking, chain smoking, a distorted body image and fluctuating weight; my real healing journey began when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (Autoimmune Thyroid Disease) in my 30s after the birth of my third daughter in 2002.

Through the years that followed, I uncovered gut issues, heavy metal toxicity, low adrenal function, hormonal imbalances and experienced early-ish menopause at age 47.

Yup – even with all my formal education*, eating ‘perfectly’, fine tuning my exercise and sleep, all the healing work and an insane level of functional medicine intervention and research; the pile-on of symptoms and diagnoses continued to unfold….

…always accompanied by more research, more food obsession and fear > which led to more food rules and restrictions, more protocols, supplements, tests, retests, treatments and all kinds of approaches and experts  to try and ‘fix’ me. 

I’m so grateful for this journey though because it’s given me a perspective I never would have gotten just from my degree or from scouring published studies, articles, courses, podcasts, experts or books.

This wisdom taught me (eventually) that chasing more information on the optimal “way of eating” (aka: diets, food vilification/glorification), the best workouts, doctors,  labs, interventions, supplements and bio-hacks can only take you so far.

This vast knowledge base and all the external solutions – as great as they all may be – typically involve the beliefs, opinions and the cherry-picked “science” selected by “others” – paired with a set of rules and restrictions  to follow that may have worked for “them” (but maybe not so much for YOU).

But what I know now – beyond a shadow of a doubt – is that the real healing journey has to occur within.

Transformation can only occur when your heart, your Inner Knowing,  is aligned with your mind and in attuned relationship with the physical body.

Without getting on-board and in alignment with your internal BEing, without truly knowing, accepting and embodying YOURSELF >>>  you’ll likely keep seeking external ‘DOings’ to resolve what may actually be ROOTED deep inside of you – which operates  your nervous system, subconscious and physiology.

And that’s an easy trap to fall into…

If you’ve been lucky enough to have escaped the mainstream ‘sick-care’ system, you too may have a tendency to place your focus on the food, nutrients, supplements, the best lifestyle practices, the latest research and ideal habits and discipline as the keys to optimal health and the ideal body.

But in reality, your relationship with food and your body – and your ability to experience the entirety of your reality – is where the opportunity for long term healing, self-discovery and self-empowerment truly lies. 

In my work with clients, this is where transformation – food and body freedom – actually occurs. 

Yes, what you eat DOES matter (and of course I help you figure all that out); but nutrition is usually the  easiest piece of the puzzle.  Once we get that in a balanced place (with as little restriction as possible), we get our detective hats on and explore what works best for YOU long term….

…relying less on the outside ‘noise’ filled with health trends and opinions – and MORE on what’s showing up for you physically, mentally and emotionally.

If any of this rings true for you, I encourage you to schedule a Discovery Session – a free 20 minute chat via phone or Zoom – where you can share your concerns and ask me anything.  This helps us get a feel for each other and to see if this deeper approach is right for you.



Certified Nutrition Specialist® – credentialed by the American Nutrition Association® through the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists™ – including a rigorous board exam and over 1000+ hours of supervised clinical practice. – 2019

University of Bridgeport, Master of Science, Summa Cum Laude  – Human (Functional/Clinical) Nutrition – 2015

University of Connecticut, Bachelor of Science – Family Studies (not Summa Cum Laude – I liked to party back then :)) – 1990

Institute for Functional Medicine – Introduction to Functional Nutrition and Introduction to Functional Medicine along with various functional medicine CE trainings – 2016-2018

Body Mind Centering – Embodiment Training with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen – 2024

Intuitive Development Training – Journeying and Consciousness Healing – FTL Rebecca Baron – Level 1, 2 & 3- 2021-2023

Polyvagal Theory with Dr. Stephen Porges: Neural Exercises for Safety and Connection – 2022

NICABM – National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine – Treating Trauma Series – 2021

The Life Coach School -Self Coaching Scholars Training  – 2018

Certified Yoga Teacher – Yoga Alliance RYT200 Program at Sacred Rivers Yoga – 2015

The Graduate Institute – Integrative Health and Healing Studies – 2013

Institute for Integrative Nutrition – Holistic Health Coach Certification – Board Certified AADP – 2009

Certified Usui Reiki Master -Teacher – Deb Veilleux – 2008-2009

Metabolic Effect – Nutrition Certifications – 2008

Designs for Health – Certified Nutrition Consultant – 2008

Formal Culinary Training, Macrobiotic Nutrition and Various Culinary Specialty Courses – 2008 -2016

Aromatherapy Level I & II – 2008