Location: Tamatha Greene’s beautiful space at the Quiet Corner Spa & Farm, 10 Boston Turnpike, Coventry, CT
- Days and times are subject to change from week to week.
- Use the link above to reserve your spot each week.
- Currently space is limited to 5 people per class.
- Once reserved, you’ll get an email confirmation and reminder.
- Emails include a cancellation button if needed (so someone else can have your spot).
- Classes are not open to the public.
- We are gathering as friends (and friends of friends :)).
- We are NOT operating as a yoga studio/business in any way.
- Bring your yoga mat and whatever blankets/props you’d like to use to enhance your stretching/relaxation experience.
- Practice according to your own comfort and capabilities – taking 100% responsibility for your own body.
- An energy exchange of $10 is greatly appreciated to help offset the cost of the space (heating/AC, maintenance, etc..).